
It is time for the zakat organizations in India to press zakat activation button to provide economic & social relief in COVID-19

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COVID-19 began as a health crisis and now has led to an economic crisis. There is a sudden surge in the number of poor and needy who has become unemployed over night without any prior warning and who has no way to find an alternative work as the whole country is locked down to protect from widespread of the disease in the local communities. This is the situation in the whole world today and India is no exception to this. As Purohit in this April 2020 has reported in Aljazeera: millions in underdeveloped regions face penury and deprivation as economic activity grinds to a halt due to lockdown. An example to further describe this issue at an individual is described by Purohit as follows: For farm worker Manisha Uke, being able to survive is contingent on two factors - one, getting a daily wage of 100 Indian rupees ($1.3) a day and two, receiving a widow's monthly pension of 1,000 rupees ($13.1) from the government.
COVID-19 , Zakat , India , Economic and social relief , Needy
Muneeza, A. (2020). It is time for the zakat organizations in India to press zakat activation button to provide economic & social relief in COVID-19. Maeeshat, (30 April 2020).
Maeeshat Media Pvt Ltd

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